Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Where did all my willpower go?

I want to detox but can't find the willpower. I want to take care of myself but can't find the strength. Probably because I am not doing anything and am bored.

Blueberry-Strawberry smoothie for breakfast
Tropical fruit smoothie, tablespoon of cereal and cashew butter for lunch
handful of chickpeas
lentil loaf, brussel sprouts, avocado for dinner
apple hummus for dessert.

11:00- stomach ache and gas

My stomach should call the cops

Was at an out of town wedding this weekend and abused my body. Had a lot of gluten, alcohol and dairy. Detoxing this week. lots of smoothies and plain rice, beans and veggies.

Friday, May 27, 2011

5am munchies?

What is going on? I woke up at 5 to pee and was super hungry. I didn't really want to eat cause I wanted to go back to sleep but I couldn't concentrate on anything else so I had one of my mini protein bars.

So last night in the afternoon I got a foot cramp and a stomach ache and didn't think I would be hungry for dinner, By 7 I felt better so I had lentil and quinoa and fake cheese.

I was also itchy all afternoon which continued after dinner so I think I am allergic/sensitive to something in the fake cheese since that is new and it was the constant between both meals.

Things I am avoiding
sugar (for real)

And I am going to buy a little notebook and food/sleep log and write down physical and emotional reactions throughout the day.


Hopefully I will enjoy the wedding and not worry about food too much.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Malls Malls Malls

Went to 4 malls in 2 hours. Welcome to suburbia.

Ok so after running around and finding out that Barnes and Noble doesn't carry any of the books I was looking for I came home hungry.

1 small slice of lentil loaf
small salad of carrot, 1 tomato and a handful of spinach
1.5 slice gluten free bread and vegan cheese

stomach still acting weird

Feeling ok so far...

Fell asleep at around 10:45 last night and was up at 7:30am. Most sleep I have gotten in awhile and I got up early. Win.

Wasted a bit of time in bed and then got up at 8:15 feeling hungry so I made:
an antioxident packed smoothie- blueberry, blackberry, red grapes, spinach, and almond milk. (maybe no grapes next time)
a pear with cashew butter
flax cereal with almond milk

Today I am going to focus on not snacking and what times I eat. So breakfast was an adventure between 8:30-10am

In about a half an hour I am going to do errands and then hopefully some sort of exercising so I probably won't eat until lunch because I feel full now. Full not stuffed or bloated. YAY!! Let's see if I can keep that up.

Yesterday I ate tiny snacks about once an hour in the afternoon. It was weird. And then I ate a ton for dinner because I just wasn't feeling full.  I didn't feel like I was overeating but then I had some cereal and then I lost a little bit of control. This is gonna be tough the next couple of weeks to not eat when I am bored. Maybe I'll fill my time by taking my dog for a walk and trying out new exercise routines. Win for Lily and for Shani. Or I'll go broke by shopping. hmmmm

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Gluten Free Heaven

Went food shopping with Netta and found so much good stuff.

Stomach still rebelling so I am yo-yoing between feeling nauseous and hungry.

blueberry, blackberry, apricot smoothie
cup of red grapes
flax cereal, almond milk,  blueberries

laying down and soaking in some what not to wear. a little "america" can be a good thing.

Post flight blech

Am in NY after an 11 hour flight. Stomach isn't great.
The rest of what I ate yesterday/today
quinoa with butternut squash, zucchini and chickpeas
2 fruit/nut bars

am so bored with not know what's wrong and trying to figure it out alone. definitely going to go to the gastroenterologist so that at least I have someone helping to and to talk to. By then it will 2.5 months.

Having coffee and water only today and trying to flush out my stomach. I can't eat until I feel better. Maybe I'll detox until the wedding.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Bloat

I just don't get it. Why do I look like I am 5 months pregnant?

Ugh. I know drinking water is supposed to help but then I feel mega full and bloated.

Will eating smaller meals help? Does that mean I am just gonna go to bathroom every 3 hours? Boo.

I can't live with unpredictability. Creates stress which worsens the IBS.

What to do? How long will this take?

At least I slept

Went to the gym this morning but my usual weights class was some weird drumming cardio class. Walked for an
hour and then did weak abs/weights. Then went to the doctor who told me that my levels are all good. Awesome. As usual a doctor tells me nothing is wrong. So its about continuing my diet and drinking lots of water. My main goal is eating when I am hungry, differentiating cravings, hunger, dehydrating, etc. and not over eating. This is the hardest. When I start I just want to keep eating. Today because I am leaving I drank a full smoothie when normally I only have 1 full glass and put the rest in the fridge. Have been totally bloated since. :(

What I ate today
8:15- rice, nectarine, and gluten free granola
12- spinach, peach, pear smoothie
2:30- rice, lentils and beets hummus
last few spoonfuls of granola

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bad Day

super tired.

wanted off this diet so badly.

had 2 slices of mozzarella staring me in the face. and a chocolate croissant. humf

what i don't get is how to tell what is working and what isn't. i kind of feel the same all the time. tired and gassy. and now itchy. are the bumps from soy? are they bugs? do i itch everywhere because i released the histamine by scratching them or am i just crazy?

want doctor to have answers tomorrow.

want to add eggs back in on Wednesday.

maybe a dose of NY will help.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

or Not Sleeping

Up at 1:30 because of loud neighbors. Now at 2:45 no sleep because of itchy skin. Are the red bumps an allergic reaction or bug bites. Who knows but soy is out. I even got up and took it out of my lunch for tomorrow.

Tomorrow is not looking good despite the sunny weather and my exciting plans.

Itchy skin

Result of eating soy?

I hope not but I guess after I finish this last bit of cooked tofu it is out for awhile.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day X of this experiment called life

So for awhile now I have been having stomach problems and sleep problems. Connected? who knows. From what I have been reading, probably. Anyway I need a place to vent and track so I figured I would do i here. Who cares if o no one reads it, although knowing the internet someone ill probably find it.

So exactly one month ago I embarked on an elimination diet, to try and find out why my body is so messed up. Haven't been able to deduce much for a few reasons.
1. got sick in the week I was supposed to start adding in food.
2. Have also been experimenting with my sleep patterns (probably a bad idea to do both at same time)
3. Have not felt any really change since going on diet. (had sort of regular bowel movement for a few days and then it all went to shit.

I got lazy and had a bad day so I skipped ahead and added in sugar early as well as not waiting the recommended 3 days per food. I really wanted to see it through but it really hard especially when you are doing it alone. And  started to have anxiety about going to the wedding next weekend and not being able to eat anything.

So where I am now.

After waaaay too many hours of reading blogs and going to the doctor again I have sort of come to terms with what I am doing. I have decided that I will need to be honest with myself and others about my dietary needs because it is really important to find what is wrong and what works. I went to the doctor last week and took a blood test so I am waiting for those results. Most likely I am not celiac which would be good but will make my journey really long and really hard. Basically I have gas after every single things I eat, and generally have irregular bowel movement. Some days I do, Some days I don't. It is super uncomfortable and unpredictable. Although I have now finally convinced myself to stop taking laxatives and have found ways to change my diet  everyday and not just when I feel blocked up (so I don't get to a place where I feel like I need them). Another relief is that now I know why I feel bloated and fat even though I know I am not and work out almost everyday. It's really disconcerting when you work really hard to be in shape and can feel your abs but can't see them. IT'S CAUSE THEY ARE UNDER THE BLOAT! All I want is to see my abs.

ok so for now what I am not eating
Refined Sugar (except honey)

Some of this stuff is still on the list because I just haven't tested it (the produce). Some of it I have eaten and don't know if I had a reaction. Like last week I started to have eggs and felt fine and then the next day had some chocolate with sugar in it (I had already tested sugar and though it was fine) and felt really ill. Most likely from the sugar and not the egg bit you never know. I have also been reading a lot about vegan diets so I figured I would try it. I am getting lots of protein from other places and for now I am fine. Although I love eggs so I hope this isn't a lifelong change. :(  I tested soy yesterday and I hope that is back in. I don't think I can live without soy and eggs. Yesterday and the day before at dinner I have techina (sesame paste) and tomatoes and both nights didn't sleep great. I think that means they are out for now. boo. I live in Israel, it is going to be freaking hard to avoid those things. I also had to pee a lot last night which is probably because I ate dinner at 9 and kept drinking 20-30 ounces of water. Bad move. I have been so good about finishing eating and drinking early enough.

I guess on to the sleeping bit. For a very long time I have had trouble sleeping. Light, noise, bad pillows, hard mattresses, any light movement, needing to pee, anxiety, dreams etc. I don't sleep well. I am always tired and usually irritable. I once asked my mom if I was going to be tired for the rest of my life and she said she does't always feel tired and that's when I knew something was wrong. That was probably 3 years ago. I am not the best at taking acre of myself when life gets in the way. Since moving to Israel I am now part of a community that doesn't really let that happen. So I went to the doctor and told her I was having sleep problems. She said that I needed to monitor my sleeping for 2 weeks and then go back to her. So I did. It was bad. After I went back she said I need to sleep 7 hours hours a night only and the same seven hours. So I embarked on my journey to sleep from 12-7 everyday. At first it was hard. I could not pull myself out of bed at 7 to save my life. Then after a few days I regulated. I got out of bed and realized I love the morning. It is quiet and I have more time to do things like read, surf the internet, go to the gym. It was great except that every day between 1 and 4 pm I would crash. I could not sit upright or keep my eyes open. I didn't nap, probably couldn't if I tried but I was tired (and cranky). Now it has moved to around 6pm when I feel so tired I can't open my eyes. I like sleeping on a schedule, its just hard to do all the time and I need more than 7 hours of sleep. We will see what happens when I go to NY for 3 weeks now. Also I was sleeping well during the 7 hours for the most part but now I am back to feeling like I haven't slept and waking up a thousand times during the night. Why? I just want some answers. Possible because of what I am eating and when but I don't get it. Why am I so messed up. I just want it to end.

So that's where I am at. Trying to stay positive.

Good things that have come out of these lifestyle experiments.

1. I like the morning and will continue to wake up "early"
2. I have learned to be more creative in cooking...rice and quinoa for breakfast mmmm